Ron Holland: Inevitability of Societal Chaos!
- America, Eurozone, UK and most of the world are heading towards a global economic meltdown. With it, the social fabric of society will be torn apart. Make sure you prepare yourself. Put your money in physical gold/silver. When fiat currencies round the world collapses, gold will still be accepted as money!
Ron Holland on the Inevitability of Societal Chaos, How the Elites Will Try to Maintain Control – And How You Can Protect Your Wealth From Confiscation
Anthony Wile,
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Ron Holland.
Introduction: Ron Holland is the author of three books, numerous special reports and hundreds of articles on investment and political topics, many of which focus on the interplay between politics and the investment markets. Selections of his essays can be found in the archives of and The Daily He currently is a contributing editor to several newsletters dealing with political and investing topics, a member of the Advisory Board of Zurich-based BFI-Consulting and Chairman of the Advisory Board of The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT).
Daily Bell: Thanks for taking the time to participate in another interview. Since you were here last time in December, things have continued to erode in the global economy. Do you feel the downward trend for the US dollar is going to change anytime soon?
Ron Holland: Thanks for having me back, always a pleasure. With respect to your question about the future of the US dollar, before I answer it, I would like to say that I am not anti-American in anyway and, in fact, quite the opposite. My views are firmly aligned with those who believe in an individual’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But today in America we see these rights eroding right along with the dollar. So I have begun to speak out along with millions of other Americans.
Daily Bell: It does seem as if people are growing angrier, and more awake about what’s going on. Or maybe that’s just our bias.
Ron Holland: It’s because the system is falling apart and growing more obviously unfair at the same time. The Anglosphere power elite has taken complete control of the US – of the entire West, as a matter of fact. Of course it’s always been that way to some extent.
Daily Bell: You have a point about the obviousness.
Ron Holland: It used to be that they tried to hide it but the Internet has made that increasingly impossible as the DB often points out. So, it’s like they don’t care anymore. They’re pursuing their one-world vision no matter what. If you get in their way, they’ll try to run you over. And people resent it. Trouble for them is there are a lot more of us than them.
Daily Bell: You think people are seeing a pattern?
Ron Holland: It’s a combination of the economic downturn and the new communication technology. People see the amount of money being thrown around on bailouts and wars. It can’t be hidden anymore because it’s available for anyone with a computer.
First they instituted central bank around the world and then they began to build their new world order, funding it by printing money-from-nothing. When the business cycle soured, they’d distract people with war. But again none of this is working so well now. It’s a fairly brutal and even obvious system once you understand it.
Daily Bell: It certainly worked well in the 20th century.
Ron Holland: No doubt about it. Still, today, despite what I consider an awakening, we still have large number of people who don’t understand what’s going on and maybe never will. Some of them are barely capable of critical thought. But those who are aware are growing too and at a faster rate than ever before. What gets people’s attention is when the economy is not working. And today there’s nothing left to milk in the West. The cow is dry and the cream has been siphoned off – and it sure as heck isn’t in my or your cup.
Daily Bell: We like to use the term Internet Reformation.
Ron Holland: It sums it up rather well. Internet Reformation. John Q. Public is starting to understand that they have been the subject of a massive mind manipulation ever since they first walked through the doors of an American public school. It’s like a warm bath. Even after you get out of school, you’re subject to the same propaganda. The mainstream media is there to reinforce it as are the establishment historians. In the 20th century there was literally no respite. But in the 21st century the alternative has really come on strong. Sites like yours (to which I encourage all readers of this article to subscribe – it’s free: click here to subscribe now), and – just to name a few – are speaking truth to power. It’s an entirely different kind of illumination and it’s making a real difference.
Daily Bell: We’ve noticed it’s hard to take sometimes, to accept how badly you may have been manipulated and fooled. We certainly know the feeling. It makes you sick.
Ron Holland: It’s not something you have a choice about. This knowledge is filtering around the world. People are waking up from a bad dream – or at least understanding why their lives are as they are. They’ve been robbed, and it’s better to live with that knowledge than without it. Once people start to see this gigantic cage of world government being built around them, they start to do something. That’s what’s behind the Tea Party movement. Even if those in the Tea Party don’t understand everything the same way, they know something’s wrong.
It ultimately comes back to the dysfunction of the current economy, the centralization, the inflation, joblessness, etc. Central banking and the Federal Reserve in the United States has got to be the greatest fraud of all time – the idea that a small group of chosen people can set the value of money for everyone else. They can’t. All they can do is print and inflate/devalue. That’s why more and more people understand they have to get out of paper money into gold and/or silver.
… for the full interview transcript click here!