Stephen Lendman: Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism!
- It is time for the total peaceful dismantling of this neo Nazi state. It is the only country which flies a ‘666’ Satanic Hexagram flag! It is a Satanic counterfeit! Non semitic Ashkenazi are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against semitic Palestinians. The semitic Palestinian people are in all likelihood the biological descendents of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism
By Stephen Lendman,
Daily, Israel keeps proving its lawless rogue credentials, notably by blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza. As a result, it finds new ways to show contempt for human rights, rule of law standards, civility, fundamental Judaic tenets, and its very legitimacy as a nation state, established by mass slaughter and displacement of indigenous Palestinians from their homeland.
Today, its war against humanity dirty tricks/state terrorism arsenal includes propaganda, intimidating lawsuits, pressure on other governments, sabotage, subversion, cold-blodded murder, and whatever else it takes to ruthlessly commit slow-motion genocide against nearly 1.7 million Gazans, besides daily crimes against others in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
No wonder growing numbers of fed up Jews are leaving, voting with their feet, including studies showing half or more there actively consider it, and why not. Israel is an armed camp, a warrior state, a modern-day Sparta, institutionalizing militarism as a way of life. Young children are taught this ideology in school, including to hate, not respect non-Jews, especially Muslims as violent enemies and human rights activists supporting them.
Freedom Flotilla II participants are among them – vilified, sabotaged, delayed, and now blocked from departing by Greece’s complicit rogue government, after agreeing to surrender its sovereignty to Western bankers despite mass street protests against it.
In fact, Greece’s Washington embassy published an “Announcement on the Flotilla,” accessed through the following link:
In part it says:
“Prohibition of the departure of ships with Greek and foreign flags from Greek ports to the maritime area of Gaza today.”
In other words, Gaza-bound ships in Greek ports are prohibited from sailing because Israel and Washington demand it – a clear international law violation. Moreover, “all appropriate measures are taken for the implementation of the said decision….Furthermore, the broader maritime area of eastern Mediterranean will be continuously monitored by electronic means for tracking, where applicable, the movements of the ships allegedly participating in such campaign.”
On July 1, the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) headlined, “Greek cabinet votes to stop Flotilla as US Boat to Gaza forced back to port,” saying:
Its planned departure already delayed over a week, “the US Boat to Gaza decided Friday to challenge” Greece’s government by leaving Athens without permission. However, before reaching international waters, Greek Coast Guard vessels forced it back to port and arrested its captain for leaving port without permission, disturbing sea traffic, and endangering the lives of his passengers. In other words, when no legitimate charges exist, rogue authorities invent them.
Moreover, Greek officials told Canadian boat participants that “the Office of the President has demanded the seizure of their boat.” At the same time, Greece’s cabinet voted to keep participating boats from leaving, succumbing to Washington and Israeli pressure to block them.
Free Gaza Movement (FGM) founder Greta Berlin issued a statement, saying: “Israel is doing its very, very best to make sure we don’t get out of port,” stooping to any depth to do it with help from its Washington paymaster partner, equally contemptuous of human rights and rule of law standards.
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