Bob Chapman: QE3 Will Happen And Will Be Bigger Than QE2!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
What is happening is Zionist ‘666’ Israel’s state sanctioned genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is the systematic theft of Palestinian land and forced removal of its people. The Zionist state legalized discrimination and ethnic cleansing of semitic Palestinian people. Of course, Zionists lie pathologically and pretend to be the victims when the truth is the …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Criminals In Action – CIA ! end
The Chinese are caught in a web of their own making. They are stuck with as much as US$1.5T of USD denominated assets (mostly US treasuries). You cannot dispose of such a large amount of USD without creating a dollar collapse. They know it. They also know that they will lose. It is a question …
The Illuminists may think they are children of the ‘gods’ but they are not God. Whatever scam they plan, they are in it way over their heads. Things can just unravel and all hell break loose. Greece will default sooner or later. And when it does the rest of the PIIGS will begin to quake. Spain will …
Gold is going higher than most people think possible. Maestro, Mr Gold Jim Sinclair is absolutely correct. My own forecast calls for at least US$10,000/oz! This summer may be the parabolic upward move in gold I have been waiting for. This is a must read to understand the titanic economic forces behind the price of …
[youtube=] YouTube: James Turk of the GoldMoney Foundation speaks about currency devaluation and the rising gold price. How the gold price is rising against all major currencies and monetary policy is political, having abandoned all pretence of seeking monetary stability. He warns of the dangers of a hyperinflationary crisis. James also explains why gold should …
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[youtube=] Be careful of Zionist Illuminist snakes fomenting fear and hate using psyop against the American people! Zionist ’666′ Israel is a Satanic counterfeit. Ashkenazi Khazars (80%-90% of modern Jewry) are not the Jews of the Bible! They were never the chosen race and their ancestors were never in Palestine! What these Zionists do to …
[googlevideo=] Zionist ‘666’ Israel is the country which most consistently betray and attack America! This is in rememberance of all those US servicemen who died on that fateful day in 1967. Google Video : – During the Six-Day War, Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty belonging to its closest ally, the USA. Thirty-four …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Zionist ‘666’ Israel is not America’s friend. It is in fact America’s greatest enemy! It is a master of false flag attacks to manipulate America into fighting unnecessary wars. As for those American snakes that lick the boots of the Zionists and covered up the whole affair, they need to be prosecuted. – …
[youtube=] Don’t let the Illuminist banksters screw you and your family! If you have a mortgage, make sure the bank actually own the deed to your property. Otherwise, you may actually be paying to the wrong party. In this case, you may not own your home even when you have paid 100% of your loan. …
[youtube=] May God bless brother Nathanael and all true Jews with strength, peace and love for Y’shua HaMashiach. May God keep true Israel strong for the Lord ! – The modern religion of Judaism is not the religion of the old testament Bible. It is really the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah. It is racist, supremacist, Anti-Christ and Anti-Christian. …
I can’t tell you when exactly the global collapse will come. But my guestimate is by end 2012. The reality is: nothing has been resolved since the 2008 crash. Things have gotten worse. The problem is now even bigger. It will not resolve itself. The Illuminists are building the situation into a ginormous problem and then …
[youtube=] See also: – Gideon Levy: Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians, Or, Democratic Israel At Work?! Israel Admits It Covertly Canceled Residency Status of 140,000 Palestinians! The Jewish Genocide of 1.4+ Million Armenian Christians! The Bolshevik Jews Behind The Deaths of 40+ Millions During The Communist Revolution! YNET Israel News: Stalin’s Jews. We Mustn’t Forget That …
[youtube=] [youtube=] The Illuminists want to depopulate the earth via famine, diseases, wars and man-made ‘natural’ disasters. They want a Luciferian New World Order, A Global Fascist Militaristic-Police State. Expect more engineered bio-weapons: diseases, especially race specific diseases to kill off certain population. I expect such ethnic specific bio-weapons to be used against high population country like China …
[youtube=] The Illuminati plans to reduce world population anywhere between 80-90%. These mentally ill, genocidal snakes literally wants to kill billions of people. They want a global population in the region of 500 million to 1 billion ruled by a Satanic Nephilim, seed of the serpent elite. They want to return to the Days of Noah, …
[youtube=] [youtube=] See also: – Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals! Alex Jones: Bilderberg Conference of Global Power Brokers Set To Meet! Doc Marquis: Frontmen of the Illuminati ! Illuminati CFR, Trilateral Commission, ‘Bilderberg Hand’: Deadly Chaos in Libya, Bahrain as Wave of Rage Spreads! Bilderberg Owned Publication The Economist: Yes, Powerful “Globocrat” Elites Are Running …
The world is run by a Satanic ruling class. They rule the world via their ownership/control of practically all central banks. Those central banks that they don’t own, they actively demonize the country and goto war. Think Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Libya…etc. – What most people do not understand is that, the Illuminati owns at …
[youtube=] [youtube=] The Bilderberg Group is a low rung execution arm of the Illuminati. Like the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) and Trilateral Commission(TC), the Bilderberg Group is a profane/secular arm (of the Illuminati) which reports to the Committee of 300 -> Black Nobility (seed of serpent) -> Council of 13 -> Triumvirate of 3 -> demons …
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[youtube=] [youtube=] The Illuminati Controlled Federal Reserve ‘Terrorists’ By Michael Shore The biggest “terrorist” threat to the People in the U.S.A. is not Ossama bin Laden or any other so-called “terrorist” leader or group. While Americans are preoccupied with a rigged phony election and “wars for PROFIT” in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Illuminati controlled Federal …