Lindsey Williams & Dr. Stan Monteith: Economic Collapse, Death of Dollar, Gold & Silver Going Up… (23 June 2011)
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Bob Chapman : The Greeks may just walk away from their debt , if this happens the American banks are on the hook for 130 billion dollars of credit default swaps that they have to pay the Europeans on . they just created money out of thin air to create this debt in the …
[vodpod id=Video.11805453&w=425&h=520&fv=] Zionist ’666′ Israel is a Satanic counterfeit. Ashkenazi Khazars (80%-90% of modern Jewry) are not the Jews of the Bible! They were never the chosen race and their ancestors were never in Palestine! What these Zionists do to the Palestinians is called: genocide and ethnic cleansing! See also: The Zionist Story! Genocide And …
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This is an excellent interview on of Jim Rickards. For those of you who want to understand what the derivatives market is all about, Jim Rickards does a marvellous job. CDS, Credit Default Swap, is essentially an insurance policy against default by countries. Jim explains how derivatives like CDS are being abused in an unregulated …
In truth, there is no “alternative” reserve currency to the US Dollar. For almost 40 years, there has been no circulating currency in the world worthy of the name because ALL are paper and ALL are backed by nothing more than the future promises of governments to make good on their debts.. That simply isn’t …
George Soros (Committee of 300?) is correct in his assessment. He knows what is coming. He is an insider. The man who broke the Bank of England in 1992 by betting against the British Pound (and made $1 Billion) understands the currency market. The world is heading towards a global economic, financial and monetary collapse. If Greece …
Looks like ‘Greece Lightning’ may strike. The world financial markets will be in great turmoil if the Greeks vote: NO. Will this be the event that bring the entire Eurozone house of cards down? Will it spread to the rest of the PIIGS? Will this spread to UK, Japan and finally to America? It is this Armageddon …
All eyes are on Greece today and tomorrow. The ruling Socialists have a minute majority of 5. It could swing either way. If the Greek Parliament votes NO, expect fireworks in the world financial market. It does not appear that the Illuminists are ready to pull the plug. The western MSM has recently been playing …
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[vodpod id=Video.11747081&w=425&h=520&fv=] The Illuminists ruling elite is simply carrying out their millenia old plan of replacing the seed of Adam with the seed of the serpent: neo Nephilim man. They want a corruption of species. Via genetic engineering they want to ‘create’ new species by cross species mixing. We are rapidly moving into the ‘Days of Noah’. Dr. …
More and more people are waking up to the Satanic counterfeit, Zionist ‘666’ Israel machinations. It is a neo Nazi state and practises genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people. Zionist ‘666’ Israel do not speak for all Jews. Christians are opposed to what it does to the Palestinians! It is time for the total …
The amount of debt carried by America is way more than that of Greece and UK combined. Something like US$100-200T. When America goes down the financial toilet bowl, the rest of the world will follow. The collapse of the USD is a global event. Its ramifications are not just limited to America. Every single nation …
It is a matter of when Greece will default and collapse the house of cards called the Eurozone via the falling dominoes of PIIGS. The industrialized world’s economy is over burdened by insurmountable debts. A global monetary crisis is brewing. The UKP, JPY, Euro and USD are toast! – Greek debt crisis prompts fears of …
[youtube=] The Illuminist banksters are doing one more push to steal the national assets of Greece before allowing it to default. Greece will default sooner or later. There is no way the bailouts (actually debt enslavement at exorbitant interest rates) will work. Papandreou is a Bilderberger. – Banker Occupation of Greece by Stephen Lendman, Economist …
[youtube=] Warning: song is vulgar. YouTube: This video proves using hand signs/symbols that 9 out of 10 world politicians and Hollywood celebrities are involved in secret societies like Masonry/Eastern Star. I also have a FREE Ebook of the same name with hundreds more pictures of Masonic symbols and handsigns. Check it out here: – …
[youtube=] This should be no surprise to those of us who understand how snakes work. How do you tell when snakes lie? Whenever they move their lips! – Ex-MI6 chief altered Iraqi intelligence A top former British intelligence official had misled the public about the former Iraqi regime’s weapons program to pave the way …
What is the agenda behind the GMO industry? I have come to the conclusion that it is: depopulation. This is done by spreading sterility and diseases amongst the population. If you were to trace the ownership of these companies, work through the fog of cross holdings, foundation ownerships…. you will come to the logical conclusion that …
[youtube=] [youtube=] Most terrorism are false flag attacks conducted by Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5/6, Mossad…etc. The top echelons of these agencies are Illuminists. They serve their Luciferian masters. The lower levels do not really know what is going on. Organized terrorism is a Illuminist construct, run, financed, organized and managed by snakes. Are there disgruntled people who will …
[youtube=] The western MSM demonize whoever the military industrial complex (MIC) want to attack for the Illuminist ruling elite. Help fight genocidal attacks by NATO and US against the Libyans. end
[youtube=] YouTube: David Ayoub, M.D. goes through the relations of Mercury to Autism as well its connections to “National Security Study Memorandum 200”; for population control. Showing its shocking connections to today’s G.A.V.I. Are powerful forces really trying to help the poor people or could it be for another agenda; the sterilization of the poor? …
[youtube=] See also: – Ancient Aliens: Season 1 Episode 1 Ancient Aliens: Season 1 Episode 2 & Episode 3 ! Ancient Aliens: Season 1 Episode 4 & 5. – I do not subscribe to the view that ancient man were idiots living in trees. The Bible indicates otherwise. In the account of the Tower of Babel, …
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright …
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central …
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[vodpod id=Video.11686841&w=425&h=520&fv=] “The (1929-33) depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market….The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of …