Text of H.R. 2995 [109th]: Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005!

- I have provided much factual evidence on weather modification. Quite a few countries have this capability. Here is the HR2995 Bill that was introduced 20 June 2005 in the 109th Congress session. If such weapons do not exist, why did the US government proposed this bill?
– - See also:
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HAARP Has Deleted Its Records From 2010-1-11.
Russian Navy: The U.S. Created The Earthquake In Haiti!
Flashback 2003: HAARP Poses Global Threat !
A Few Weather Modification Radar Signatures!
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Weather Modification Radar Signatures
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Chavez: US Weapon Test Caused Haiti Earthquake !
HAARP: The Earthquake Weapon? Weather Modification Using HAARP.
The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?
Nick Begich: Mind Control – The Rise of Invasive and Oppressive Technology!
Jesse Ventura: HAARP – Weather Modification, Military Defence and Mind Control!
Military Use of Mind Control Weapons
Nick Begich: HAARP, Weather Control and Mind Control
Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World by Dr. Nick Begich
Weather Warfare Weapons – Part 1
Weather Warfare Weapons – Part 2
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