US Debt To Exceed Economy!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Let me tell you quite frankly these Illuminists are led by the ‘prince of the power of the air’: Satan. They are well on their way to setting up the pieces for this coming World War 3. – Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage …
[youtube=] The Illuminists are handing over most of the Muslim Middle East World and North Africa to the Muslim Brotherhood. Like Zionist ‘666’ Israel which is ruled by FreeMasons, the Muslim Brotherhood is Masonic (ie. Luciferian). – William Engdahl on Egypt’s uprising: They are being organized in a Ukrainian-style high-tech electronic fashion with large internet-linked …
The FedRes is playing a dangerous game. They and their cronies, bought US politicians, may just allow a technical default to trigger a worldwide collapse. After which, the FedRes will come to the ‘rescue’ of the world by initiating QE3. It is all a scam! – Bullard sees U.S. default as big global risk By Jack Reerink …
[vodpod id=Video.10571543&w=425&h=380&fv=] The world is heading towards a global economic, financial and monetary meltdown. The conclusion is inescapable. I do not believe Asia or China will escape this coming calamity. Maybe, they will suffer less. But that is about it. This coming collapse is engineered by the Illuminists. They want to create global collapse, chaos, famine, diseases, …
Do you believe the war propaganda/psyop the western MSM pushes against Gaddafi (and thus the Libyan people)? They say there is evidence Gaddafi is killing his own people(civilians). They are demonizing him and making US/NATO look like righteous warriors. These are propaganda to sell wars, more wars and continuous wars. The Libya war is naked aggression by a …
“All wars are based on deception.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War Truth is the first casualty in war! The western MSM has been telling us that Gaddafi committed alot of war crimes against his own people. This is just the corporate Illuminist own MSM supporting their war machine (MIC). Here is a different …
[youtube=] [youtube=] [youtube=] See also: – Gideon Levy: Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians, Or, Democratic Israel At Work?! Israel Admits It Covertly Canceled Residency Status of 140,000 Palestinians! The Jewish Genocide of 1.4+ Million Armenian Christians! The Bolshevik Jews Behind The Deaths of 40+ Millions During The Communist Revolution! YNET Israel News: Stalin’s Jews. We Mustn’t …