Europe: The Break-Up is About To Begin!
- How long will the German public put up with bailing out the PIIGS using their own money? Not very long. What will happen is the bankrupting of all countries in the Eurozone. Rich countries like Germany will fall because of their banks. The PIIGS bailouts (a misnomer) is all about bailing out German, French and British banks using the public’s money! Private bankster debts have been shoved down the throat of the public. Illuminist banksters have been corrupting/inducing politicians into getting their countries into massive debts. Fraudulent and corrupt lending practices were rampant. Now the banksters who caused this situation do not want to suffer loss and are insisting the public pay off these debts.
– - I am not saying the public/sheeple are entirely blame free. But if I have to assign blame I will say it is 95% bankster’s fault and 5% sheeple fault. The sheeple have been deceived and misled by their politician snakes. In real life, when a bank makes a bad loan to a bad customer knowingly they suffer the consequences and write off the debts. But Illuminist banksters do not want to write off these debts and are holding countries hostage with the complicity of Illuminist politicians. Why shouldn’t the sheeple be pissed at these Illuminist banksters who are financially raping them?
– - I cannot tell you when the Eurozone experiment will end. But end it surely will and I doubt it will survive beyond 2012!
Europe: the Break-Up is About to Begin
Submitted by Phoenix Capital Research ,
The EU’s days of “kick the can down the road” are rapidly coming to an end. While most commentators talk about the EU and its bailout fund as though these are independent entities, the reality is that the EU bailout story was always about whether Germany could foot the bill for the more bankrupt EU members. – For 18 months, German politicians were able to walk the line of supporting the EU without pissing off the German populace too much. However, starting in the last few months this balancing act has come to an end. Angela Merkel’s party has been getting destroyed in the elections.
We’re now starting to see German officials pulling back from the notion of more bailouts for Greece. When it comes to political suicide vs. ideology, politicians look out for themselves. And German politicians are realizing that with nearly 60% of their country wanting out of the Euro, continuing to throw money at the EU’s less solvent members means a guaranteed exit from public office. In other words, the EU, in its current form, is at the beginning of the end. Consider the implications of Germany saying “no” to more bailouts.
A “no” from Germany means the largest, most solvent country in the EU is no longer willing to back up less solvent members. This in turns means the beginning of the end for the “bailouts will fix everything” mantra that has dominated the world since 2007-2008. It also means that any future EU member that comes looking for handouts is no longer guaranteed assistance. – In other words, the great EU experiment will be coming to an end. Whether the EU will break into separate alliances or if they’ll simply do away with the whole thing altogether remains to be seen. But the cracks that have been forming in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Greece will eventually manifest into a full break in the EU in some form.
The people have to get mad and rise up against these these frauster bankers and their politician pals and put them all in jail.