How The Media Cheated The World With a Fake Dead Photo of Osama Bin Laden!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] [youtube=] Part 3
[youtube=] Silver Shortage Blog: Bob Chapman : here is what happened JPM JP Morgan Chase , HSBC are naked short on a 45 to one (nine to one is normal) Silver they are naked they can’t deliver so they have decided they are gonna drive the price down as far as they could , and …
The hoaxes are coming in thick and fast. And really clumsy too. These people must think we are stupid! See original Daily Mail article and picture. end
Osama Bin Laden has been dead since December 2001. Do not be taken in by all the BS from the Illuminist owned corporate MSM. They are there to brainwash the sheeple to sell the official Illuminist propaganda and to sell more wars! It looks like the Illuminists will be executing another false flag (nuclear?) attack against America or Americans will …
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[youtube=] YouTube : In March 2011 the mainstream media reported Iranian alarm that the logo for London’s 2012 Olympics had been encoded simultaneously to spell out the word ZION – a celebration of the predatory Zionist state in Palestine founded in 1948 (the year of the previous London Olympics). In this video the Islamic Republic …
[youtube=] How do you tell when the snakes in the District of Criminals (DC) lie? Whenever they move their lips! end
[youtube=] [youtube=] Acts 7:42-43 (New King James Version) 42 Then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the Prophets: ‘ Did you offer Me slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? 43 …
It is time for the peaceful and total dismantling of Zionist ‘666’ Israel. They are the neo Nazis of the 21st century! Israeli TV shows Palestinian torture by Israel’s Channel 2 TV station has released video footage showing Palestinian detainees being tortured by Israeli troops in the regime’s desert prison of Naqab (Negev) back …
I have not sold any of my silver despite the 33% collapse in price. In 2008 silver went from US$20 to just under $10/oz (in 4 months) and then staged a spectacular rally to almost US$50 which just ended last week. This is a 5X increase from its low. Silver has now corrected to US$33-34/oz. This is a …
Fleeing from the USD to the Euro or Yen is like jumping from the kettle into the fire. These 3 major currencies all suffer from enormous sovereign debts which will not be paid back but in devalued currencies! The world is getting closer to a global monetary crisis. Got physical gold/silver yet? What we are …
[youtube=] “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” – David Rockefeller
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[youtube=] CIA asset Osama Bin Laden was suffering from kidney failure. He most likely died in December 2001 from kidney failure or other complications arising from it. The next stage in the Global War on Terror is starting soon. All those who think that it is over will be shocked. The Illuminists are planning …
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No matter how you slice and dice it: war between China and the Anglo-American empire is inevitable. Do we really believe that the Anglo-American Illuminati will give up their fiat currency hegemony? I don’t think so. This is another reason why you should buy physical gold and silver! Asian trio to study dollar alternative: …
[youtube=] The Illuminist cabal is ready with their new CIA trained bogeyman/asset. The shadowy Emmanuel Goldstein of ‘1984’ is their template. All SCAMs are based on deception and mis-direction! Pentagon Dinner Guest al-Awlaki Slated to Replace Osama by Kurt Nimmo, Yemen-based Anwar al-Awlaki is scheduled to replace the late Osama bin Laden, according to …
I am of the same opinion that a sharp scary rebound in silver prices is coming! All those who are fear mongering that silver will collapse forever down to US$10/oz will be shocked at the turn around. There seems to be maximum fear now. This is a contrarian bullish indicator. The reality is: the bullion …
The Illuminists are setting up their chess pieces for their World War 3. Their plan calls for massive casualties, an unimaginable depopulation genocide! The sheeple are totally asleep, obsessed with their American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, football, fashion, IPad…etc. This coming war in South Asia will be: Anglo-American & India vs China-Pakistan. US-Pakistani-Chinese …