'1984' Police State USA! Senator Charles Schumer Proposes Increased Security And No Ride List For Amtrak Trains!

- What is the War on Terrorism about? It is a war against the American sheeple, to take away their rights via the Patriot Act and implement a Luciferian New World Order, Global Fascist Military-Police State! America will be the centre of this New World Order, World Government – The Mystery Babylon Whore of Revelation 17. Whatever happens in America will spread to the rest of the world !
So It Begins! Sen. Charles Schumer Proposes Increased Security And No Ride List For Amtrak Trains
The Intel Hub, May 8th, 2011
Just days after the CIA released information allegedly found in the compound of Osama Bin Laden that indicated Al Qaeda is planning to target U.S. railways, a leading Democratic has proposed new security measures for all Amtrak stations in America.
The simple fact is that the staged death of a long ago dead man is being used to implement further totalitarian police state actions in a country billed as land of the free. Soon after the staged media spectacle began, western intelligence sources claimed that they had found evidence that Al Qaeda was planning to attack U.S. railroads.
Now in response to the Al Qaeda terror fear, Sen. Charles Schumer is taking the lead in the establishment of these so called “security” checkpoints. “Circumstances demand we make adjustments by increasing funding to enhance rail safety and monitoring on commuter rail transit and screening who gets on Amtrak passenger trains, so that we can provide a greater level of security to the public,” the New York Democrat said at a news conference, reported Reuters.
These adjustments include a new Amtrak no ride list similar to the list that is already in place in our nation’s airports.
This is a classic example of Problem – Reaction – Solution.